Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Are These Teen Pregnancy Adverts Too Harsh?

These New ADs for the prevention of Teen Pregnancy is causing quite a stir, some people think they are too harsh because they shame teenagers who are already parents. Defenders say they aren't worried about the already TEEN PARENTS, they are worried about the WOULD BE TEEN PARENTS...their thinking is the end justifies the means. If it's gonna make teenagers think twice about sex, then bring it on.

Well if it drives home the point am in full support sometimes we have to be cruel to be kind, you get. It would definitely keep some teens out of trouble.

1 comment:

  1. As a soon to be, 20 year old mother, who is finishing up my first year of college, these ads do hurt me. I was on birthcontrol and was badly allergic to condoms and am in a stable relationship with my boyfriend in a year on april 22nd. Before I had the chance to switch to a more effective contraception, I got pregnant. When I saw these ads, I thought "wow, I failed my unborn child", but realized that 50% of pregnancies are unplanned. I do think that teenagers need to learn about sex safe and learn the responsibilty to have a child. I'm proud to become a new mom, and a student who will be finishing college and these advertisement don't define who I am or who my child will be.

    -Erika boysgirlsandsex.blogspot.ca
